This program processes the x- and y-coordinates associated with each character in a table, then creates a grid of those characters based on their x- and y-coordinates.

  • What programming language did you use? Python
  • Why did you do this project? I wanted to create a program that sends messages back and forth between two or more persons.
  • What do you think you did well? I created a grid using the x- and y-coordinates, which I’ve never done before.
  • What’s the most important lesson you learned? I learned how a computer interprets how the two axes increase and decrease. Surprisingly, the x-axis increases as you move to the right while the y-axis increases as you move downward. I did not previously know that.
  • If you did this project again, what would you do differently? I would’ve made the code more concise. Rather than start with a NumPy array, I started with a list. I could’ve started with a NumPy array and zipped the x-coordinates, y-coordinates, and characters as tuples in an array that would’ve reduced memory storage significantly.