This program not only tracks changes in its stock value, but automatically texts you when a significant event happens (e.g. 5% increase or decrease).

Make your investing life easier, and perhaps, stop using a certified financial analyst (CFA) to do the dirty work.

  • What programming language did you use? Python
  • Why did you do this project? I wanted to create a program that makes it easy to track stock values and their changes. We rely heavily on manually checking them, but why not let Python do the heavy lifting?
  • What do you think you did well? I emphasized modular programming by creating to create (or update) the JSON files.
  • What’s the most important lesson you learned? There’s a package you must use to access the file holding environmental variables before they can be accessed.
  • If you did this project again, what would you do differently? I would’ve put and in the same module. Creating separate modules slows down the program and stores more memory.