PetMind must launch a monthly pet box subscription to reduce the cost of customer retention and improve brand loyalty. Your job is to lead the company forward by analyzing the retailer’s data.

Laid forth by Data Camp in its practical examination for the Data Analyst Associate certificate, I answered 3 essential questions:

  • How many products are being purchased more than once?
  • Do the products being purchased again have better sales than others?
  • What products are more likely to be purchased again for different types of pets?

Find answers to these questions and learn how I did so by accessing the project here.

Lessons Learned:

  • What programming language did you use? Python
  • Why did you do this project? Practical examination for DataCamp’s Data Analyst Associate certificate.
  • What do you think you did well? Pandas is challenging to navigate at times, but I was able to integrate it effectively with Matplotlib.
  • What’s the most important lesson you learned? Data can uncover critical marketing strategies: focus on a particularly popular product associated with a given category. In this case, market bedding for dogs.
  • If you did this project again, what would you do differently? Data can only uncover so much until it becomes a chore. Therefore, highlighting useful key performance indicators (KPIs) in a Conclusion section ensures projects can easily be replicated.