Quickly get your age calculated where you simply enter your date of birth.

  • What programming language did you use? HTML and JavaScript/TypeScript (JS)
  • Why did you do this project? I wanted to try something different. I’m so used to Python that I need to learn how other programming languages work. JavaScript is a great opportunity because of its web development, concurrency (e.g. asynchronous, parallelism), and API fetching. While I’ve already learning JS, I wanted to try a basic project.
  • What do you think you did well? I got the project done right and incorporated TypeScript, too, for error handling.
  • What’s the most important lesson you learned? CSS is not always necessary, though I will need to continue adding styling for future project.
  • If you did this project again, what would you do differently? I would’ve added Bootstrap or Tailwind to help me with styling!